FUCK ME!!!... well... no...*laughs sheepishly*

Aug 07, 2006 22:07

For some reason this didn't get posted when I wanted it to....

August 2nd...

I can't fucking believe this. I broke my arm. Well I fractured it at wrist joint. So I have a cast on my left arm. I'm thankful it was my left though. I am righty and it would really suck to have to ATTEMPT to write with my left hand. It would not even be legible. I can barely type because of the awkwardness of it.

How did I fracture my wrist you say?

I was leaving the library two days ago and I was makin my way down the ten steps that make up the staircase outside of the main entrance. I tripped on the fourth step and of course on instinct I reached for the railing only to miss it by about an inch and I went crashing into the second step palm down. Instantly I could feel the bones break. *shivers*

The cast I have is not the normal polymer fiberglass. It is the kind you can get wet. I chose this not because of swimming in the summer, but because I do not want to haev to worry about putting a trash bag over the thing when I shower. It was funny really, because the doctor said to me "Are you sure? *chuckle* Mostly kids get that sort of thing." At that very moment I wanted to slug him and say while I was standing over him"What of it old man? I'm lazy and I don't want to take care of the damn thing." But instead I simply smiled through gritted teeth and said that I did not want to worry about getting it wet. He laughed some more and I almost flipped when he left the room.

Gah, and they say I have to wear this thing for six to eight weeks. So that means that I will be in school with this. What a great way to start off a new school year, not mention a new job. The kiddies will get a REAL kick outa this... ugh...

Maybe I'll go and do a part two for Never... or.. WOAH< WAIT! I got a great idea for a nice lil fluff fic for Ed and Al.. I'm so smart... ok don't look at me like that Erin... I'm NOT a psycho, really...
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