To answer some questions…

Oct 01, 2009 02:35

Mirrored from The Adventures of Holly.

I’ve had quite a lot of people comment on my 5000 Question Survey posts asking me where on earth I found this thing, and I just realised that I never answered any of you! I’m really sorry about this, I didn’t intentionally ignore you!

Unfortunately I don’t actually KNOW where I got it from! I had it up on my website LONG ago (as in, several years ago!) and recently rediscovered it on my hard-drive and decided it might be fun to post it properly, since I never got through it all the first time.

I typed it into Google and did come up with a few links to what I THINK is the whole thing, and the best one is probably HERE, on Livejournal.

If anybody else is keen on joining me in doing this mammoth task, please feel free! Let me know and I’ll follow your progress with great interest.

Also, a couple of people are already doing it…although they’re much further down the track than I am!
- Breezey
- Sam


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