Fire - you are adventurous and easily provoked, you
like to explore the unknown, you are a good
leader, You like pizzas! you dont really mind
having to get up early for some things, you
have lots of energy, you are emotive but can be
stupid... PLEASE RATE
Your TRUE element - In 3 questions! - cool pics on later brought to you by
Quizilla Hello, my happy friend. You have high spirits and
know how to have a good time. When your friends
go out, most likely they invite you almost all
the time. You most likely will enjoy your
Halloween. Good for you. Keep up the
excitement. You probably light people's dark
days with your smiles and laughter. Although
you're good, doesn't mean you're an angel. You
can tend to have a scary and/or other type of
side to you. As long as you have fun, do your
scares this Halloween. Have a safe and happy
one, Joyous Pumpkin.
What Halloween Figure Are You? (MANY RESULTS WITH SIX ALL NEW ONES!!) brought to you by