
Jun 03, 2005 07:33

hey fill out the answers.....

yall pleeze dont be lazy it just takes literally 2 min.

>1. My name:
>2. Where did we meet?:
>3. Take a stab at my middle name:
>4. How long have you known me?:
>5. How well do you know me?:
>6. Do I smoke?:
>7. Do I believe in God?:
>8. When you first saw me what was your first
>9. My age?:
>10. Birthday?:
>11. ( Read more... )

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musiqfever June 4 2004, 16:33:41 UTC
>1. My name:alycia
>2. Where did we meet?:at sami's house
>3. Take a stab at my middle name:rose?
>4. How long have you known me?:four or five years? really only became friends last year.
>5. How well do you know me?:not very well. i should u better. geek
>6. Do I smoke?:nope
>7. Do I believe in God?:i dunno. ur jewish. just like me. power to the jews!
>8. When you first saw me what was your first
>impression?:she is pretty. she'll never be my friend. just kidding! i don't remember!
>9. My age?:13
>10. Birthday?:late in the year?
>11. Color hair?:brunet, but inside ur a blond.
>12. Color eyes?:brown
>13. Do I have any siblings? How many?:yes. one brother. i think
>14. What's one of my favorite things to do?:talk?
>15. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to
>16. What's my favorite type of music?:alternative rock?
>17. What is the best fea! ture about me?:ur really nice and funny in a wierd way. lol
>18. Would you say I am funny ha ha or funny
>sarcastic?:funny. haha
>19. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?:yes u follow the rules, but inside u wanna be a rebell
>20. Any special talents?:i dunno
>21. Would you consider me a friend?:yuyeah
>22. Would you call me preppy, sporty, hippie, glum,
>nerdy, snobby,
>or something else?:something that no one can explain
>23. Have you ever seen me cry? When?:nope
>24. If there were one good nickname for me, what would
>it be?:blondie
>25. Are my parents still together?:yes
>26. What do I love?:me. lol
>27. Would you stick up for me?:yes of coarse
>28. What do I do for a living?:ur a student bbut u donnot get paid.
>29. If you could tell me anything what would it be?:that i think u r really nice and cool
i'm gonna get everything wrong


kiwiflirt19 June 5 2004, 12:12:58 UTC
lol i lov ya and I AM NOT A BLONDE!... hehe


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