Jun 17, 2005 22:26
Everything seems a little surreal as I sit on the Southwest jet headed towards DC. I am listening to Nappy Roots, jamming to my own beat. Frequenting clubs again has definitely cause me to dance more (regardless of where I am), as though I didn’t dance randomly often enough anyhow. The man sitting next to me must think I am quite peculiar but really, I don’t care. The intercom goes off and announces that we are flying over St. Louis Missouri. From the corner of my eye, I can see the flat and sparse land. It has it’s beauty but I know I will never be able to live there.
The peculiarness of it all is that I feel like I’m coming home, the same feeling I had leaving for Compton during Spring Break. Perhaps I’m finally connecting the dots. Dots I don’t necessary want to connect. But regardless of how I feel, deep down inside I am excited to walk the journey the Lord has laid in front of me. I may doubt, feel as though I lack faith but as Liz so kindly reminded me last night, I am still acting in faith. I only wish that my heart reflected more of my action.