
Nov 14, 2003 18:20

if anyone is actually out there... i'm here @ my lj untill Kiwied is back up, with b2 and maybe a new layout :)

We didn't have school yesterday, so i sat around at Jassy Boards on the comp for a couple hours. Then we went to the libary, and we had a bookfair this week. So every book i saw & wanted to read but didn't buy, I got out :) lol that sounds so pathetic (sp?). We went home, and i complained about how I don't have a actuall clothes. Just like those little kid looking ones, and i only had 1 sweater too. My mom wouldn't take me out beacuse she "didn't have time" (but she did have time to go home & make cookies for my sister) & "couldn't buy me anything" beacuse i broke the keyboard holder-upper thing. So this morning I got woken up @ ten, ate breakfast, watched Tv, and we went to the mall. First we went to Kauffmans (sp?) and my mom tried to get me to buy somthing there, but i didn't give in. So she shopped with my sis & brother for about 20 mins, and then let me go into Limited Too. Only to tell me that everything was "too expensive" and she let me go to aeropostale instead. So there i baught 4 long sleeve shirts, 2 short sleeved ones, and a sweater. Then we went to the food court to eat, and I had subbaros like always... Then we went to Kb's for my sibs.. and left. My mom only let me keep 2 aero things (the rest for christmas) so i kept the sweater (which i'm wearing right now & it's very comfy) and a navy long sleeve shirt with monkeys hanging on a christmas light line. :)
I'm going to eat dinner now so adios

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