BEST DATE EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 16, 2009 11:47

Romance.....Revenge.....Dave Matthews Band.....

I realize I haven't posted in a while, but between AIM, facebook, twitter, myspace, text messaging, emails and work I haven't really had a chance to sit down and update my LJ.  BUT I'm back and anxious to re-live last night which was without a doubt, hands down the most AMAZING first date in the history of the entire world.
But first, a little bit of background info......(OK a lot of background info)
I have this friend...We'll call him dude.  Dude and I are very very close friends, but we also recently discovered that we really really like each other.  This has been going on since about New Years.  We've discussed numerous times that neither one of us want to ruin our friendship by being in a relationship, which resulted in a pattern of acting like we are practically married--->fighting like we are married-->not speaking to each other--->back to being friends again--->repeat.  Healthy, I know.  But forget that for now, that comes into play later.
OK so flashback to winter 2009.  Two times a year I get to see my favorite person in the whole wide world....Danny.  Ever hear the expression "he's good people?"  They were talking about Danny. I heart Danny.  He's the best.  So, usually Danny, his roommate Chris and I go to see Dave Matthews whenever they come around.  Danny got two tickets to the show at IZOD on Tuesday, and asked if I wanted to go.  I had to say no, only because I'm spending a ton of money to go see them in Virginia in their hometown three days later. But I really did want to go.   Hokay, one night Danny, Chris and I were hanging out at the bar.  Danny and I were talking about the last DMB show we saw together(where, by the way, he told me he wanted me to marry Chris and spawn a Dave Matthews loving army, and really wanted us to get together).  Anyway, Danny proposed a bet where we would play darts and the winner would pay for the others ticket to go see Dave Matthews at the Garden once those tickets went on sale.  Danny is amazing at darts, but I stupidly agreed.  It was actually a really really close game but I ended up losing.  So, when the tix went on sale I paid for me and Danny, and Chris paid for himself to go too.
So, Tuesday was the concert at the garden.  The three of us were having an awesome time, and Chris and I started flirting a lot.  I gave him the puppy dog eyes about how I was jealous that he and Danny were going the next night without me, and Chris told me that Danny was actually trying to sell the tickets and asked me if I wanted to go to the show with him the next night.  Awwwww......
SO Tuesday night  I had an AMAZING time with Chris.  It all started when I puppy dog eyed my way into the VIP parking lot not 20 feet from the enterance to IZOD.  I'm tellin ya' I gotta market these puppy dog eyes.  They work like a charm.  The concert itself was pretty good, nothing amazing to report about that.  Chris and I mostly talked through it.  But Dave Matthews never plays a bad show. OH WAIT.  There was one thing.  During the concert Dude texted me.  I know he knew where I was because he stalks my AIM, and I left an away message about exactly what I was doing.  The messages are not important, but he was definitely trying to cockblock.  Anyway, after the show when everyone was leaving Chris grabbed my hand so we didn't get separated.  Once we got outside and the crowd dispursed he didn't let go.  So cute.  When we got to my car I was ready to fight him to drive home, but he was totally agreeable so I didn't have to fight him at all.  (How I wound up driving is a long story, and not pertinent to the story).  So off we went.....
We took the Palisades home, which I had never been on, and at one point I, pretty view.  Chris was like "Oh that's nothin'" and then proceeded to pull into one of those scenic lookout things.  Again, he took my hand and we walked down a little bit to this clearing that had an AMAZING lit up view of NYC.  For some reason when I got out of the car I didn't take my jacket. so as we were looking at the city he was standing behind me rubbing my arms.  I think he could tell I was cold so he asked if I was ready to leave and I said ok.  Then he pulled into the next scenic lookout.  This one was WAY better than the first view.  It was so clear, so you could see the G.W. Bridge and this like panoramic light show of the city.  It was amazing.  The Hudson river even looked really pretty, with the boats and reflections and stuff.  So after a few minutes of Chris making fun of me because I couldn't figure out how to work my camera, he finally kissed me.  It was sooooo perfect.  It wasn't like one of those messy yucky ones, it was just really really sweet.  Squeeee..... 
We got back home and sat in my car talking for a while, and he told me that he had a really good time, and he wanted to hang out sometime outside of Dave Matthews and Bubbas.  Nice.  So, we kinda were makin-out a little bit in my car, and then we were both like "welp, it's getting late".  Since he was still in the drivers seat, I had to walk around my car and when I met him half way I gave him a really big tippy toe hug (I guess he's a lot taller than me) and then he kissed me goodbye.  YAY.
SO, still floating on cloud nine, I got home to find a party in my living room.  Dude was there too.  I didn't really want to rub it in his face, but I also wanted to talk about my good time, so I kept it classy and interjected things here and there.  But everyone could tell I was grinning from ear to ear.  I tried to play it off like I was drunk, but I don't think it worked.  SO, I hung out for  a little bit and then went to bed when everyone left.  About an hour later I got a text from Dude.  It started off as small talk, but then got into a conversation about "us" that would have turned into a fight, if I wasn't mostly dismissive of the conversation.  He obviously felt rejected and proceeded to cut the conversation short.  I suspect we're moving into the fighting stage of our vicious cycle, but this time I'm ok with that.

SO, as Slightlyoffaxis and wonkywheels have pointed out, the tiger claw REALLY does work, and I'd like to thank my sister for her tiger claw , and welcome any more tiger claws for a date #2.
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