(no subject)

Jun 29, 2003 15:12

Well, I don't really have anything of much excitement to write about, as per usual. Just thought I'd enter something for the hell of it. One day soon I hope, life is going to get more interesting, but for now all the days are rolling into eachother. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of our Lives!

I've decided to build a website (a free one of course), so that shall hopefully keep me amused for a while :-) I will enter the URL when I am ready for people to view it. At the moment it consists of a title page, LOL.

I bought a gladiator ball for my mouse, and its the funniest thing to watch her running around the house in it. Dad and I were in fits of laughter! Ahhh the simple things in life!
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