15b. Get you talking, cause you know what I think about people who don't talk. ; )

Apr 07, 2009 21:31

The biggest thing I have learned from my parents that has shaped my life is self confidence. I think this is part of what has become the foundation for who I am. Confidence in myself isn't just a material thing. It's confidence in my ideas and beliefs. I don't feel burdened like some people my age do with trying to fit their ideas to those of their peers. I know who I am and am not changing it for anyone but me. I also know my own worth. This gives me a greater respect for myself and I therefore expect that same level of respect from anyone eles.

I think I turned out better for being "raised" in a daycare. Kids Club and Wise guys exposed me to so many things; camping, dance, theater. It made me independent. I didn't need my parents to always hold my hand, I felt free to to go my own way. It's funny how some people say "Ohh that child was raised by daycare" like it's a bad thing. I never felt neglected or distant from my parents or family. Being away from them made me appreciate them even more. I made some of the best friends I've ever had because I went to daycare. It's the reason I'm friends with the person who asked me this question

You know, I'm one of those people who think you can learn something from every situation. This is why I don't think that there is anything outside of the technical skill set that I learned while at JWU that I couldn't learn anywhere eles. Hey, I could have even gotten the technical stuff eleswhere. Yea, some JWU whore(meaning one of those kids who are constantly promoting JWU and in their eyes the school can do no wrong) will probably now be like "What are you talking about? Maybe you should have just gone some where eles then!" I choose JWU becasue it had the combination of giving me the skills that I wanted in an enviorment I liked. I got to meet people who were from a completely different background than myself or my friends from back home, have experiences unlike those I've had before. But hey if your a person who likes to get out there and do things you can get the same thing anywhere, it's all about choice.

Picking a historical figure to have dinner with is hard for me because I don't know alot of historical figures. There is of course the usual MLK, Abraham Lincoln or Mother Theresa. But even though all of them would be interesting I just can't see myself having dinner with them. I'm not even sure this counts but I would like to have dinner with Donny Hathaway. He is just one of those artists who I see or listen to and just wonder "Man, what if?" His music just has so much to say and I wonder what he would say today about politics and music. I'd show him my ipod.  We would eat Indian food;  Rogan Josh(curried lamb), Chana Daal(lentils), chicken vindaloo, vegetable curry. All with plenty of fresh hot naan. We wouldn't use utensils just the naan. I feel like indian food is relaxing, it creates a mood.. It's food for conversation and music. We'd talk about him dealing with his mental illness. For dessert we would have peach cobbler, hot enought you have to blow on it and make that funny open mouthed blowing thing when you eat it. With a small scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream. I know it doesn't fit in food wise but I feel like the topic of conversation and just him as a person would need something comforting and peach cobbler is that to me.

Ace of cakes is one of the few shows on Foodnetwork that I still actually like. Most of the shows aren't really about food as much anymore. Like really, I do not want to look at Giada's face cause her face isn't going to tell me what that tart looks like. Even though Ace of Cakes sometimes it like this I still like it because working for him would be my ultimate dream job. I, as my dear friends from school call me, am a crafty bitch so working at charm city cakes would be the perfect way for me to use that and my baking skills.

You know what? No. You talked. Maybe not as much as others ::coughariannacough:: but you interacted with me. It's not so much you have to talk all the time. I just feel that when someone talks to you, you should be able to hold a conversation. And hey you must have done something right cause we're still friends and since we are friends I would love to come visit you in VA. I miss my TV buddy.

Speaking of tv, I'm not sure I have one favorite show. The two shows that I religously watch are Gossip Girls and House. Sadly they come on at the same time now. The time between 7pm and 8pm Monday nights is extremely intense. I rush out on dinner and sit glued to the edge of my seat, remote in hand finger never leaving the last channel button. Funnily, most people who watch are probably not into gossip girls.
So if you asked I answered and I tagged you. I'm going to assume you can figure out which answer is yours and what the original questions were.

25 things

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