13. I actually read a bunch of these 25 things things.

Mar 23, 2009 17:47

 I really find other peoples thoughts interesting. Like what made them choose those things.

So if you are friends with me and wrote a 25 things list. I am pretty sure I read it. It was fun finding out things about people who I don't know so well and finding out new things about people who I do know well. I hated when people just gave crap listings of things I could have read on their facebook. I felt that it defeated the point of the list. I did not need you to waste 30 minutes of your life and mine, telling me you like to read, you have two sisters, and your favorite movie is Harry Potter. Come on people, dig a little deeper. Surprise me, shock me!

I thought pretty hard about my list. Yea, I know it sounds lame. I actually waited several days before I actually posted it, I picked simple ones, old random facts, serious, funny. Some were sparked by other ones on my list. Some were sparked by what I saw other people write. Some of them were hard to write and just put out there. I'm not exactly the most open person. Writing these little explanations, or what ever you want to call them, were some times harder.

It's funny cause even though I wrote these for me and because I found the whole thing interesting, theres still that vain part of me that wonders if anyone even read(s) it.
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