3. My sister is my best friend. We're the same but different

Feb 09, 2009 14:53

A list of 10 Deadria and Alycia things  (funnily enough, I'm not sure when she will get around to reading this because she is an awful fb-er)

1. Called each other "sister" until we started pre-school, ex "Sister come here"

2. We just realized that since we apparently sound the same to other people and on the phone we must sound the same inside our heads( the whole hearing yourself through your head and through your ears thing makes you sound different to yourself than what other people hear). Which is like the other person being in your head.(confused yet?) It's a slightly creepy/weird thought.

3. As a small child I had a habit of either verbally or physically fighting/trying to fight  people for being mean to/bothering  Deadria. Ex. punching a boy in the stomach in pre-school, yelling at and trying to attack the nurse trying to take her blood at the doctors in Kindergarten, yelling at my grandmother for trying to make her leave the park when she didn't want to

4. We've determined that once we are out of college/grown we will not be able to live farther than 1/2 a days drive from one another. Anything else doesn't work very well, we've tried.

5. We weren't allowed to clean up the kitchen together when we were kids because it would take like 2 hrs because we would end up playing

6.  Most of my stories begin with "So one time me and Deadria..." When I got to college I forgot that people wouldn't automatically know that she was my sister, until some one finally asked me "who's Deadria?". Along with this goes the use of "we" without telling people who the other person in the "we" is. Ex. " One time we..."

7.  It's kinda embarrassing but I still have to think about how to spell her name. I don't know why but it took me like the longest time to learn it as a kid.

8. We really are rather different people.  It's like this quote; " So I was sitting in the stairwell and I heard this one voice. Then I heard another voice but mellow, and I was like I recognize that contrast! It's Alycia and Deadria!" - Kelly Kramer. 
        It's also kinda like a Venn diagram and what stands out the most is the part where the two circles intersect and that is why people think we're kinda the same. See: 

 Ok clearly  I suck at paint and putting in images

9. So despite what some people think or how it sometimes looks we can not speak telepathically or through another language. Yes, we may make strange noises at each other that have meaning or nod/ just look at each other and know what the other person is thinking/trying to tell the other. Really it comes down to the fact that we share the same experiences thus same reference points when things occur and can then reference those points in nonverbal communication because we know the other person is referencing the same experience in their own head.

10. She is the ultimate trump card.  No one else can come above her. That's just how it is.

25 things

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