Awkward Times

Nov 23, 2006 13:45

I thought this kind of stuff only happened in movies and bad reality television, but no.

So, my mother informed me this morning that my sister and I have to take care of my neighbors dog while they're away this weekend. And because my sister was a little lazy and because of small argument, I went over to their house about fifteen minutes ago. Their black lab, Night, was really hyper as usual, I let him outside and threw this squeaky toy for him. When he retrieved it I backed up since he's huge and running at me, but little did I know there was a plastic sled behind me...filled to over-flowing with icy water.

Of coarse I fell into it, because that's just my luck. My sweatshirt was soaking wet and so was my butt, I walked inside wringing the water out of my sleeves and just then my other neighbors and their daughter walk in. They needed to use the oven. So I'm standing there awkwardly, trying to hide the huge dark spot on my pants while talking to their daughter who is the biggest bitch I've ever met who is only in sixth grade.

When I came home, Molly laughed so hard her face turned purple.
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