I haven't felt motivated to post in ages. Hopefully I haven't completely disappeared from the collective consciousness.
Three of my books now appear on
Amazon. I was far more excited about this than cool logic should suggest. The mark-up makes it unlikely that anyone will buy them there. But there's something about having one's work appear in the catalogue of such a high-profile retailer.
They're still much cheaper on
Lulu, and for downloads the best option is
Smashwords, which has a range of formats (including Kindle and Sony Reader).
Our digital camera seems to have gone phut, so we'll be buying another one soon. Probably another small one, as it's convenient for our unsettled mode of living.
I've made lots of crabapple jelly recently, and though I say it myself it's delicious. It's also rather beautiful. I'll see if I can get a picture (though see above regarding the camera).
It's a beautiful sunny day. We had a frost this morning, and are enjoying the sort of crisp sunshine that generally follows. I must go out and start enjoying it.