no more pretending

May 27, 2005 11:34

i can officially say it. school is OVER! much like that song by alice cooper, school-is-out-FOREVER! well, maybe not forever but it might as well be for me since i won't start school til late september. not that i mind or anything, so i guess i shouldn't be complaining. but yes, today was my last final and last day of school as well. all i can say is that it feels good. like really. haha. i'm looking forward to days of nothing, although i'm sure i won't be doing nothing all the time. the thought that i CAN just do nothing is very appealing to me. what can i say? i'm a freaking bum.

so what does this summer have to bring? besides the definite plan of china for three weeks and hanging out with friends, i don't really know. lets just hope it's a fun and semi-productive one. well, i should just really hope that it's semi-productive since i'm blessed with great friends who are always fun to be with, so having fun shouldn't be a problem.

so yeah, some swing song started playing on my itunes and it made me realize that i learned nothing from the swing class i took senior year. stupid senior exit project. the only thing that i remember from that class i that i have to bounce, or something like that? who the hell knows. but i swear, one of these days i will be the master of swing. well, maybe not the master, but i hope to know more about it than just bouncing.

i feel like making a list, so i will.

random things that make me happy:

-my family and friends
-taking pictures
-fun candid pictures
-my ipod
-good "dancing alone in your room" music
-actually, just good music in general
-clean bedsheets
-stupid jokes that make you laugh hella hard, like HELLA hard
-a good song on the radio during a long drive
-hell, a good song on the radio during a SHORT drive
-driving without a destination
-getting lost with friends and having all the time in the world to figure out where the hell you are
-little kids and the way they view the world
-bottled water
-a good conversation with a friend
-staying up late with friends doing nothing and then going home feeling like you had the most productive day EVER
-eating (duh!)
-when people see or hear something and then say, "ohmygosh! that was SO 8th grade!" or something like that
-receiving an unexpected e-mail/letter/IM/phone call from a long lost friend, or anyone in general (as long as it's not from a stalker)
-hearing a song on the radio that reminds you of a past memory, whether it be good or bad
-being able to make someone else laugh/smile
-rereading old letters from friends/lovers/what not. just rereading old letters and the memories/feelings they bring back
-socks fresh out of the dryer

okay, so i'm not done with that random list, and i don't think i will be done with it. too many things make me happy. i realized a lot of the things on my list are hella weird and i guess simple, but oh well. it's really the simple things that matter in the end.
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