Nov 09, 2004 16:50
gosh, up until like 10 minutes ago i was in a good mood then my mom came home and just started talking to me and now im angry....i think i need to work on this. so report cards came today its like my best one ever but im still pissed about it....i dont understand why though! its like im just pissed about what i got...maybe im just bitter about something else..i dont know...blah im so fuckin tired of school i dont know what to do about ANYTHING anymore like all my feelings are just gone...cant even concentrate in class its horrible. i dont know why though...bleck it sucks all day its just like misery then i get home and its just as bad if not worse cause i have to deal with my family on weekends too. well i started drivers ed last night its not too bad. cant wait till its over though its a major time consumer two hours three times a week thats a little redundant if you ask me but whatever if it lets me drive then so be it i guess. i hope friday is amazing because just thinking about it puts me in a better mood, which is exactly what i need right now! o well hopefully my mood will have changed by then!
i wish i could just go to college and leave home