Dec 02, 2007 17:53
ok so to sum up my weekend in one word: BI-POLAR
like literally the days themselves would be reallyreally really really the best time ever one minute, and then five seconds later i would feel like crying.. or i would be crying. it's not cuz i'm ridiculously sensitive. my weekend was really that much of a roller coaster ride.
friday: -went to bon's after school with mar and soph. the worst thing that i have pretty much ever done happened there, but i had no idea until today (sunday).
-went to mar's and chilled / had a shower / straightened my hair
-went to sophie's to eat dinner and get booze from nicholai
-went to andy's drank about half my 2-6 and puked a bunch (first time hollaaa) .. luckily there was a bucket right beside me.
-discovered my camera had somehow broken itself in the most bizarre way.. i still don't really know what's wrong with it, but i'm pissed off
-had a really bad sleep and had a dream that i had missed the party i was sposed to go to on saturday
saturday: - waking up was not fun
-sat around in fat pants
-went to dad's and continued sitting around in fat pants (luckily my fam at dad's is in whistler right now, so i could be hungover in peace)
-at around 6 or 7, ruby ben chance and sophie good came to my house. chance and sophie left to go get food and weed, and me ben and ruby watched HELP! wooooo. max addington came over. sophie and chance came back with sushi, junk food and weed in tow.
-we had a sushi /my duvet and sheets everywhere party on my livingroom floor
-HELP! ended and we put on Totoro, then me ben and max left the stoned kids to go get hot chocolate and go to DoDecca park.
-most fun time of my life. everyone go to dodecca park always please. ben bought me hot chocolate (because he is the nicest guy in the world and i want to marry him) and we spun on the spinny thing and it was magical.
-ronan and shizen met us there and we walked back to my house
-ronan made this ginormous meal for himself at my house. really strange. i'd never exactly met him before.
-we watched Pom Poko until 1:30 in the morning and everyone went home
sunday: the day of shit:
- went to mar's planning on meeting up with gloria to film cptv
-gloria wasn't aloud to go out so she dropped off the camera
-me and mar were searching her house for the mic when we realized we (or me, really) had left it at Bon's. on friday. we called bons twice. it isn't there. i cried. i went to bon's to check myself. it isn't there. cried some more. now i'm at home feeling like shit. i am not looking forward to telling mr. grenier. life sucks.