May 27, 2003 11:37
i was ready. i had already accepted it. i was ready to leave this place. in my mind i already had. but then i had to come back. and for what? nothing. what did it do for me? nothing-except break down all the defenses i spent months building up. and what do i hav to show for it? nothing. nothing except a broken heart and a soul longing to be near you again. but that can't happen. i knew it couldn't happen. but something blinded me. something that ive never had to deal with before until now. and i wonder why i let it in? why did i allow it to get into me? how could i hav not seen it? i had been warned and i knew it was coming. it's becuz i wanted to let you in. but with you came the object of my tragic downfall.
i thought it wouldn't hurt as much if i got to see you. but seeing you like this hurts just the same. i guess i just don't fit into your world, but you'll always hav a place in mine.
don't pretend you care. i kno you don't. noone does. they told me and they showed me. don't act like i'm your friend. it's not that i won't forgive you-it's that you didn't ask. i don't care if noone understands. everyone's moving on and they hav nothing to show for it. fine, i don't care. move on-away from me. but i'll miss you and goodbye.
hehe i wrote a song. wanna hear it? ok:
my mind is sweeping over all the things i thought you'd be by now. and the things you kno i'd say to you if given the chance.
tonight i'm breaking up with my memory of you. i'm sick of the thought of what it could be. i want to see what's real and what's there as i fall. letting go and going on-it shouldn't be this hard. oh, the power of emotion
i can't get around this thought of how youve come to be and everything it means. i don't really want to remember. it's not so bad after all these months. most of the time i'm thinking of other things. but it's those times when i'm with myself and memories of you come rushing back to me.
tonight i'm breaking up with my memory of you. i'm sick of the thought of what it could be. i want to see what's real and what's there as i fall. letting go and going on-it shouldn't be this hard. oh, the power of emotion
nothing could ruin this feeling right now, nothing could take it away. but they can take you away and with you would go the feeling. my heart chooses you and i'm left with the moment...
oh the power of emotion
tonight i'm breaking up with my memory of you. i'm sick of the thought of what it could be. i want to see what's real and what's there as i fall. letting go and going on-it shouldn't be this hard. oh, the power of emotion
it's amazing how someone can go through so much pain and still go on. we're still going on. do you understand? do you even care anymore? i want to forget everything i see when i look in your eyes and everything it means. but i don't want that to change. i hope to never lose that connection between our hearts and souls. oh the power of emotion.
it's about how emotions can make things difficult. they can make you do things that you don't want to do or feel things you don't want to feel, but you kno that deep down you should do these things and that you do feel that way. it's about how you can care so much about a person that you don't want to care anymore, even though you kno that you always will. but you're scared becuz you don't want to devote your life to that person. i mean, you want to but you're just scared becuz it's one of those things in life you should only do once. it's the first time you've ever given something up as big as your life for another person. now that's true love.
"look at the way she treats you and the way she'll never hold your hand. and when youre out in public she stares at the other men. i say, lose the girl"