In keeping with
this statement on my website, nearly all the posts on, and the recently-mirror-ish livejournal are either restricted to logged-in users (OpenIDs are accepted), or friends-locked.
Already having this system in place, it's not been much additional effort to have a few filter groups in which I can really geek out on some topics without boring the hell out of everyone else who doesn't share an interest in those topics (not that I get around to that much). I recently added/forked a few topics, so I'm reposting the list (publicly even) to allow you to request inclusion on a filter (or exclusion from a filter) and as a general notice that these access controls are in place. Anyhow, the topic filters I currently have are:
- Bicycles
- Burning Man
- Guns
- Magick and the Occult
- Mathematics, Science, and Technology
- Queer
- Sailing