Day 30 - A photo of yourself taken today and 3 good things that’s happened over the last 30 days.
I worked 10 hours today and had almost only unfriedly customers...
So this is the best pic you will get from me today -.-
Three good things...
I guess:
1. With the help from Merry and my mother I could buy a ticket for my brother and now he can go with us to the Maximum the Hormone concert - his first concert and a band he really wanted to see^^ it makes me happy that he is happy.
2. I earned enough money to buy me some things I really really REALLY wanted to have (see my *nyan* posts^^)
3. I won a giveaway and have now some new beautiful jewelry *.*
Yeah... meme is over.
I guess I will post more than before in this blog, since I want to spend more time with everything fashion related (outside of college, of course XD).