Things went well at the appointment I mentioned in the last entry (Thank you, David, for reminding me to put an update. I have a bad habit of leaving y'all hanging, huh
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I am the moderator for the community funny_links. This is a promotional comment. Ok, if your still with me, I’d first like to apologise for intruding on your journal. I respect the fact that a journal is a very personal thing to some, and I mean no disrespect by it. I came across your journal simply by clicking random, and I left this comment. That is the way I have selected this journal, and you will not here from me again, after this comment - After all, the odds of hitting the same two journals in 9 million are pretty slim!
So why am I here? On 11th March 2005, I created funny_links, the reasoning behind creating this community was simple, I believe in the healing power of comedy. Ok, Ok, that sounds REALLY corny, when I read it back, I’ll try and elaborate. Sometimes if someone feels really down or crappy, and If they see or hear something that genuinely makes them laugh, it can turn their whole mood around - I’m sure there are 1000’s of experiences in your life for this. So I created the community, so every day there would be at least one funny thing on the friends page to cheer people up - I try and update at least once a day.
So now I had the community, and the next step was to get people involved. I figured if I recruited enough people initially, then word of mouth would take over as a form of advertising for it. To this end I joined many “Promotional” communities (around 20), whose purpose is it is a forum which to promote your own communities. However, if you think about it, the concept is flawed. The majority of the members are there to promote their community, not to find others. So what happens is I put up a modest little add, and in some cases literally within seconds, it’s lost within a mountain of flashy ads.
I did that daily for the first year, placing an advert on these communities. That’s 7300 adverts done by myself. On 11th March 2006, the communities first birthday, I had 34 members, and the site was watched by 5 more people. 7000+ adverts for 39 people, you can see my frustration!
So I sat down, and decided to try this approach, to post on individual journals, and see if this more personal approach will prove more effective.
You are the 6th person to see this advert (ill update this as I go to keep track)
Ok so that’s my little speech over, here’s the journal:
After you join, the community will show up on your friends page, to post in the community, on “update journal” there is a drop-down box saying “post to”, select funny_links and the post will go to the community, and not jour own personal journal.
Thanks for your time, and if you join, the only request I make, other than the rules which can be found on the profile page, is this: If you like the community, I personally would really appreciate it, if you helped spread the word.
I am the moderator for the community funny_links. This is a promotional comment. Ok, if your still with me, I’d first like to apologise for intruding on your journal. I respect the fact that a journal is a very personal thing to some, and I mean no disrespect by it. I came across your journal simply by clicking random, and I left this comment. That is the way I have selected this journal, and you will not here from me again, after this comment - After all, the odds of hitting the same two journals in 9 million are pretty slim!
So why am I here? On 11th March 2005, I created funny_links, the reasoning behind creating this community was simple, I believe in the healing power of comedy. Ok, Ok, that sounds REALLY corny, when I read it back, I’ll try and elaborate. Sometimes if someone feels really down or crappy, and If they see or hear something that genuinely makes them laugh, it can turn their whole mood around - I’m sure there are 1000’s of experiences in your life for this. So I created the community, so every day there would be at least one funny thing on the friends page to cheer people up - I try and update at least once a day.
So now I had the community, and the next step was to get people involved. I figured if I recruited enough people initially, then word of mouth would take over as a form of advertising for it. To this end I joined many “Promotional” communities (around 20), whose purpose is it is a forum which to promote your own communities. However, if you think about it, the concept is flawed. The majority of the members are there to promote their community, not to find others. So what happens is I put up a modest little add, and in some cases literally within seconds, it’s lost within a mountain of flashy ads.
I did that daily for the first year, placing an advert on these communities. That’s 7300 adverts done by myself. On 11th March 2006, the communities first birthday, I had 34 members, and the site was watched by 5 more people. 7000+ adverts for 39 people, you can see my frustration!
So I sat down, and decided to try this approach, to post on individual journals, and see if this more personal approach will prove more effective.
You are the 6th person to see this advert (ill update this as I go to keep track)
Ok so that’s my little speech over, here’s the journal:
(This bit is for people who have never been in a community.)
And the page you join the community is here
After you join, the community will show up on your friends page, to post in the community, on “update journal” there is a drop-down box saying “post to”, select funny_links and the post will go to the community, and not jour own personal journal.
Thanks for your time, and if you join, the only request I make, other than the rules which can be found on the profile page, is this: If you like the community, I personally would really appreciate it, if you helped spread the word.
Take Care
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