I Live + China Digital Times

Oct 09, 2008 12:52

So as my sister pointed out over the phone yesterday, this Livejournal seems all but dead. And I must say, yes, I rather suppose it is. A number of factors are in play here:

1) Everything seems boring after Beijing
2) This is my fourth year, I am in the groove, and nothing seems entirely novel anymore.
3) This is my fourth year, I am taking 13 units and getting more than 5 hours of sleep most days of the week. The stress which impelled so many random and incoherent posts seems dormant at the moment.
4) China Digital Times

So you see, aside from making a concerted effort at "less Internet, more real life," the few spare hours I do have to mess about online are being devoted toward more productive, research-type energies. Monitoring news, for example. This includes U.S. news, but it also includes finding and composing posts for a China news aggregating website called the China Digital Times (CDT).

It's a great site, started up by democracy activist Xiao Qiang. He's teaching a seminar called Blogging China which I am taking and which might just be the coolest thing I've done at Berkeley so far, and I am lamenting the fact that the rest of my college experience was not like this. College should consist of intensive seminars, damn it.

So check out China Digital Times, and if you click on a post and see that it was posted by a dwang, then that would be me. This here is my latest contribution to the site.

In closing, I'd like to quote and remark on an excerpt from another article recently posted to CDT. From the AP: China says it won't torture Guantanamo detainees:
China has called on the U.S. to repatriate 17 Chinese Muslim detainees who were to have been released this week, saying they are terrorists and should be brought to justice, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a news conference.

"Some people may worry whether these people could be tortured in China, I believe this is biased. China is a country under the rule of law, and forbids torture by any Chinese authorities, be they judiciary or public security," Qin said.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa...ooo, eee, haaa hooo. And I thought, my jokes were bad.
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