Title: Benediction
Author: Surreysmum
Pairings: Legolas/Aragorn; Aragorn/Arwen
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slash, het content
Banner: the generous and talented Tularia
Summary: After twenty years of marriage, it seems Aragorn & Arwen have it all, but something is terribly wrong..
http://surreysmum.livejournal.com/tag/benediction Well I loved it. The author is very creative and it was really entertaining.
I love love triangle, I wrote about it once but it was sexual and one time only, both Legolas and Aragorn weren't in love with her, actually they were with each other, lol, but anyway this was really hot, I loved it.
I read it all in one sitting although it took me all sunday but well spent. I love to read.
Legolas is not a weakling in here as in many fanfictions, this can be hot but we don't fall in love to Legolas like that. Here he has spirit, he's strong and loyal but he always is.
I loved the story and Surreysmum's Leggy.
It's worth it.