One Year Journal-versary!

Jul 31, 2011 15:26

Guess what, guys? It was exactly one year ago today that I decided to join the wonderful world of Livejournal! Woo! *throws confetti*

Before I joined I remember I was stalking pokegamefic and pkmncollectors , due to the fact that they're awesome like that. I was also actively stalking beedaily , because her James/Lily fanfiction Commentarius is all sorts of amazing and I still love and keep up with it to this very day liekwhoa. I could very well be wrong, but I think before I joined Livejournal I had been stalking the communities for a few weeks, and Beedaily for, like, a year. (And I'm still being a creeper and stalking her, so... xD But shh! Don't tell her. I haven't talked to her even once in my life. I am a silent, though very much rabid, fan)

So after lurking for a while I decided I wanted to get in on the Livejournal-y action and created an account.

And here I am.


You may all celebrate now xP

Anyway, just for fun, here's my current Livejournal stats:

-31 journal entires
-277 comments posted
-251 comments received
-29 tags
-13 userpics

That isn't including this journal entry, by the way. If I did, that would knock it up to 32 journal entires, I guess. Haha. I like to talk... >.>

I also went back and found my very first entry. ^^

Subject: Hello!

It's time for an introduction! Woo! I know. You're all so excited, right?

Not that anyone's probably going to really be reading this, but... I can have hope!

Anyway, I'm mostly going to be posting assorted fanfiction/fanart/whatever else decides to pop into my brain. It shall all be very exciting. ;D

Thank you for your time, and... Let's hope I get to posting soon!

I've always been, like, so creative and stuff (and apparently a liar. My whole journal is very boring and not exciting at all. Noooo...).

I'm really, really grateful that I ended up joining Livejournal. =D If I hadn't, there are so many wonderful people I wouldn't have met! I love all of you so much. <3 I hope you'll all still be my good friends a year, nay, ten or twenty or one hundred years from now! That wasn't creepy at all, was it? Oh, God, it was...

Also, happy belated birthday, Sarabi! I meant to catch you online yesterday, but I never saw you, so... Yeah! I hope you had an awesome birthday. =)

I'm going to go eat cake in celebration of my journal-versary now. =3= What? I shall happily embrace any opportunity to eat cake, especially of the chocolate variety. 

rambling, livejournal

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