
Feb 07, 2011 16:18

 So! The other day, I got a huge bunch of doujinshi in the mail that I found for a deal on Ebay. It was great. I got 14 doujinshi for $18.80 total, and oh did I rejoice. Plus, it was nice to finally find something I could spend my $25 Ebay gift card I got for Christmas on. (Can you believe the only Green x Red doujinshi on Ebay is a little over $60? It's highway robbery! ...And completely over what had been my $25 limit. T-T)

Anyway, since all of my doujinshi finally arrived, I figured now would be a good time to brag show you all my collection. Here's a preview, to tempt you to follow the cut. ;D Shut up. I already know I'm pathetic.

So, as I was saying, I got 14 doujinshi in the mail the other day, and it was amazing. They were in great condition and everything! Plus, I'd really, really been wanting some of the doujinshi I was sent. Here's all of them~

Can you tell which two are pr0n doujinshi? ;D  Seriously, though, I'm probably either going to sell or trade those two. I'm so scared someone is going to find my doujinshi stash and be all, "WHAT IS THIS?" Dx

They're so pretty! :D In case you didn't know, a lot of those are from Circle Y, a circle who-in my opinion-has beautiful art. Plus, their stories never cease to entertain me. Two of the Circle Y doujinshi even had a description of the story on the back in Engrish. Very, very entertaining Engrish. Here was the description, word for word, of Lovesick (the doujinshi with a lot of red/pink and features Naruto holding onto a pillow):

Naruto and Sasuke are the ninjas of the village of leaves.
Sasuke loves Naruto more than whom.
He wants to sleep on a bed together with Naruto.
Sasuke knows not waking up till a morning, if he sleeps.
He planned creep into his bed, when Naruto slept.

Yeah, we all know Sasuke can be a creeper when he wants to be. Haha. This one had underwear thief!Sasuke, which is just completely new levels wonderful. Especially since Neji got blamed for it. xDDD The poor guy. He was so confused when some underwear suddenly fell from Sasuke's creeper bag and Iruka started beating him up for picking it up and having Naruto's unmentionables.

And here's the description for Lovephantom (the one with all of the blue that has Sasuke and is next to Lovesick):

Naruto and Sasuke are the ninjas of the village of leaves.
Sasuke loves Naruto more than whom.
He wants to make Naruto into a bride. 
The Uchiha family has the ceremony and contract of special marriage. 
He plans to make Naruto into a wife using the contract.

Go, Sasuke!! x3 Sorry. Please, someone tell me I wasn't the only who found that description/story ridiculously entertaining. Plus, the Engrish makes everything ten times better. You love Naruto more than whom, Sasuke? xD Who or what is whom, exactly...?

Also, in the past month or so, I finished paying off my SMJ and was finally able to get the Mameya doujinshi I ordered in the mail. :D I collect that circle's stuff, you see. They're the best!! Here are the five doujinshi of their's that I recently acquired:

Someday, I shall have all of the doujinshi Mameya has released. Someday... -gazes dramatically off into the distance-

KYAAAA! I had to resist the urge to faint when they finally came in the mail! Mameya, your art is too beautiful...! Plus, their story lines are adorable, and I just love everything about this doujinka to bits and pieces. There's a reason Mameya is my favorite. *-* I just about died of happiness during this once scene in Samurai Soul (the one on the top right with Naruto holding an umbrella) where... Oh, you'll have to see it to understand. x3 Loooook! Looooooooook!

Note: The following is probably not what it actually says. It's just me having too much fun. xD

Naruto: AAAAAH!
Sasuke: Oh, yeah. Naruto fell into that hole.
N: Help!
I can't get out! I feel like young Timmy from Lassie, only this isn't a well!
This friggin' hole...!
S: -steps-

S: ... It... is I. The Avenger. 
N: ....!
S: Oh, no! Did the dobe see through my ingenious disguise? No! Impossible! Or... could it be? He thinks I look tacky?!
N: That....
-sparkle sparkle-
S: He didn't see through it!!?

Looking fabulous, Sasuke! xDDDDD God, I love Mameya!

Here's all of the doujinshi I have of hers now, by the way~

Only about 40 more to go. :'D

Aaaaand, now, for the time you've all been waiting for! Okay, probably not really.

Here's my whole current collection of doujinshi:

My poor Green x Red doujinshi. It is so lonely, being the only non-SasuNaru one I have. ;-;

Yeah! That's thirty doujinshi!! :D I love you, my growing collection! You're beautiful! Even if I probably will be selling or trading two of you in the future... Ahaha? Anyway, I hope it continues to grow! I may not have as much as some people yet, but I'm getting there! Besides, it makes an awfully nice stack. See?

Yes, that is one of my cats. He kept jumping on the table and messing up my doujinshi arrangements because he thought I wasn't giving him enough attention. v.v He's not supposed to be on the table. And yes, this is him reaching in to try and eat them while I was busy taking the picture. Don't worry. I stopped him in time. xD The doujinshi are safe!

Anyway, I congratulate you if you've made it this far. Seriously. I feel like I've been rambling on for hours. I just have one more thing!

I don't know how big any of you are on the cosplay scene, but my favorite group is FightingDreamersPro. They do great cosplays of just about every anime under the sun (and most especially Naruto x3), and one of their members, Twinfools, is transgender. He is getting chest surgery today, and I went on to my YT today to see if he had posted anything new about it because I'm a worry-wart like that even though I've never actually talked to or met him in my life. ^^;; As it turns out, he HAD posted a new video, but it wasn't just about his own chest surgery that he was going to be getting.

[Click for video]

Maybe I'm just a sentimental weakling, but I think it's so nice that he's doing that for his friend/mentor. And I don't know about you guys, but I'm definitely going to donate! Er... when I get just a little more money. So, I'm going to donate soon. Which means no more new doujinshi for a while... But it'll be worth it! Anyway, the reason I'm posting this is because I wanted to help spread the word. I know I'm not exactly followed by millions of people, but... Every little bit helps, right?

Thank you for your time!

masarashipping, sasunaru, life, originalshipping, doujinshi

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