Happy New Years! =D

Jan 01, 2011 00:50


Image does not belong to me~ Instead, it belongs to someone on Pixiv who has more talent in their left pinky than I do in my entire body. xD

Yaaaay! Goodbye 2010, and hello 2011! A little less than an hour ago, everyone in my timezone celebrated the beginning of the new year. And lo, there were illegal fireworks going off down the street, cheering to be heard, and glasses of alcohol clinking merrily upstairs as my assorted family members celebrate by getting happily tipsy. And everything was good. =D Especially the alcohol part. It's so funny to watch my family when they get drunk. xP

I'm actually a kind of sad to see this year go away, seeing as how it wasn't half bad. I mean, it wasn't horrible, and that's always a plus, right? I think it is. I spent most of it just laying around my house, meddling in whatever fandom-y affairs I could get myself in to. Yay for anime. ^^

I also started college this year, which has been pretty cool so far. I especially like that I only go to my classes once a week. It does my procrastinator bones good. Ahaha. I'd make it my New Year's resolution to stop being so lazy, but I know it'll never work. Darn.

Speaking of which, I really should try to make some New Years resolutions... I'm so bad at thinking of them, though. >.< Seriously. And when I try and force myself to, all I can think of are silly, wonderful things like, "Make sure to fill 2011 with as much SasuNaru, KakaIru, and Originalshipping/Masarashipping action as I can. Maybe some other pairings, too, but mostly those first ones."

... Yeah. ^^;; Gosh, I'm a nerd.

Speaking of SasuNaru, I'm currently watching about ten AMVs of it to welcome in the new year. Woo! /shot. x_x

I just finished eating a spoonful of black eyed peas, which I absolutely hate to the very core of my being. v.v It's my family's strange tradition. They think that, by eating it at the beginning of every year, it brings good luck. I think it brings me stomach aches. I hate beans, peas, and other mushy, yucky food like that. >.< Maybe it works, though? I mean, I've never gone a year without it. And, not that I mean to brag, but my life has been pretty okay. Either way... I'd still rather not eat them. Siiigh. Oh, well.

I'll go ahead and stop rambling now. ^^;; I hope you all have an excellent 2011! =D 

masarashipping, sasunaru, new years, life, originalshipping

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