- WHAT IS A PERRERAS? Spain shelters where dogs and cats (stray or abandoned there by their owner) are killed after 10 days from their arrival, unless you pay to adopt them.
- WHY ARE THE PETS KILLED? The spanish governement gives 60-90€ each pet killed (and the so-called-civiled Europe let them do so) so the people who work there can’t wait to kill them, regardless of how adoptable the animal may be.
- HOW ARE THE KILLED? brutally, some are killed in gas chambers, where they die a slowly and agonizing death while other animals die and scream around them. Some others, or the one that get out alive from gas chambers, are paralyzed with an injection (less expensive than euthanasia) and throw alive in a crematorium.
- HOW IS LIFE IN A PERRERAS? Hell on Earth. Google it if you don’t believe me, terrified pets are throw in dirty and dark cells with little or no food and water and often beaten. Adults are put with puppies and only the strongest ones eat. Many die of fear and many die of illness like canine distempe or killed by their panic-stricken companions.
This is a video taken few days ago that show you the condition of puppies after few hours in a perreras:
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10201711195846168&set=o.471574322928048&type=2&theater There were more than 30 puppies only that day. we saved some, but some died.
- WHAT CAN I DO TO SAVE THEM? Donate. doesn’t matter how much. every cent counts. you can send your donation to my PAYPAL (kiu_22@yahoo.it) but PLEASE let me know with a comment or on that mail how much you sent so that I know these money go to this cause and I can publicly show the receipt once money are sent in Spain and keep every donor informed. You can remain anonymous if you wish but let me know how much you sent. I want it to be clear for everyone to see that every single cent go to the cats and dogs.
- ARE YOU OFFERING COMMISSIONS? Yes sir! I’m offering 15€ (19$) lineart commission (examples:
1 -
2 -
3 -
4) for every fandom or original characters, EVERYTHING will go to save those dogs and cats.
Measuringlife is also offering fic commissions, and she's an amazing writer! you can find more information
HERE. Those are the urgent one:
cage 50 -
cage 117 -
cage 118 -
cage 35 . A black Labrador was killed a couple days ago and we only have time until MONDAY for these four! this is an emergency and we are desperately asking for help! We need AT LEAST 250€ to save them but there will be vaccinations to get done and the trip to Italy to find adoptions.
Please, signal boost and if you can, donate or commissions me. Remember than even 1€ can help!
5 euros won’t change your life, but may change theirs.