I haven't uptaded and commented much since February....eh.....I don't want this place to die but really don't have much to update with...I'm even thinking to turn this on a skretchblog, any idea? .__.''
anyway, I've been in Milan with my friends for 2 weeks and then studied for an exam...I got 28! yay XD (and I should totally do a post about the convention but...ehm...later this week, okay? now a meme! XD)
Tagged by
pharrezychica I'm to tag 8 people, none of whom tagged me, and this cannot be rejected, something like that. Those tagged who eventually do this, please comment here when you're done so I can see your answers!! Thank you. I may miss some pages in my f-list by accident...OTL...
You can remove a question you don't like, and replace it with another :D
mukimpokun letihughes shiki_thief shian_wind mystofthestars kaka85 rdelcaos rapsodiainblu What song are you currently addicted to?
The world by Three Doors Down What books are you currently reading?
Kojiki, for school
What’s the most enjoyable thing you’ve done today?
...sleep? I haven't done anything yet XD
What is the one skill you wish you had?
singing XDD
What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
At the moment Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
What’s your favorite song to dance to?
I can't dance T_T'''
What Web sites do you always visit when you go online?
Yahoo mail - Livejournal - Deviantart - Pecoreforum
What was the last thing you bought?
a videogame for GameCube U_U''
Which fictional character would you like to be for one day?
I have no idea...someone really really different from me I guess (any suggestion is welcome XD)
What movie would you recommend to friends?
Uhm...anything from Woody Allen? I do love his movies (and it's all my dad's fault XD) and just re-watched one yesterday
Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?
sometimes...mostly for sweets. but I don't usually eat much (or at all) when I'm home ^^'''
What is the best place you’ve ever been?
To me, my old house
What was the last meal you ate?
I haven't eaten anything today yet and I don't remember about yesterday...pizza I think @_@
Do you want to learn another language?
so much!
Six things you can’t live without.
Animals, music, fandom, shower, friends, Santal Mango & Peach (ok, not really, but that thing is my druuuug XD)
Apart from your computer/laptop, what's in front of you right now?
my tablet and 3 cups full of pens
A favorite childhood memory?
mostly are around my cats...I can't pick a favourite one at the moment
What are you looking forward to?
This autumn
What are you planning to do after you finish this meme?
dunno....something constructive I hope.....like drawing and stop to listen to depressing music (oh yeah, really constructive XD)
che poi non è vero perchè HO aggiornato lj mentre ero via.....solo non il mio ---->
buVle. ma son dettagli! XDDD
e sono anche stata a un concerto di Cristiano De Andrè in Alessandria con mio padre e degli amici ma Mere ne ha già fatto un
riassunto talmente bello che non ho niente da aggiungere ^^