Yesterday was quite a unique day, during the morning in Turin I've seen some police cars around a school in front of my university...being curious I stopped there to see what happened...there was really A LOT of police officers (more or less 12 cars and 2 ambulances) ...and for what I've understand a janitor tried to kill two co-worker with a bar O__o'
the woman that the ambulance bring to the hospital when I was there it is still in a coma and he has been arrested (I heard it in the evening on the newscast, everything was very confused there)
anyway, on a happier note, sorry for making you wait so are the sketch requests, hope you like it!! ^^ (and about these... do you mind if I post it on deviantart?)
minus Vampy's one XD
(a proposito..visto che non l'ho ancora iniziata..hai qualche idea particolare come ambientazione? perchè io sto a fantasia 0 U_U)
with HxH on hiatus again I have nothing to wait & read every week....... *cries* T__T (I was writing wait and bleed... like the Slipknot's
oh, I bought a new bag for university (as a christmas gift from my mum) ... so cool XQ__
WTF LJ/MOZILLA?! why my lj has that face?! X°°DDDD