yay, 3 free days, maybe I will finally be able to draw something no, I don't have to start my endless thesis that must be finished in less than one month and I absolutely don't have to do 2 graphic works, why are you thinking so? ....... holy shit XDD
more important is that I'm here to show you what a bad case of insomnia can create: tadaaaan
Ulquiorra = T_T + hole
Groviera cheese = hole
Groviera cheese + T_T = Ulquiorra !!!
and this is what I made trying something different from usual, I don't like it but I think I'll never like one of draw and that's ok XD
I wanted to use a demon for it... and what better than Hamel in demon version? I KNOW he doesn't looks like Hamel at all and that his dress is white and his hair more blonde....oooh...stfu XDD
Five starts to who know from which manga he is from
I have so many things to talk about but I also have Pokemon Mystery dungeon to play on DS, therefore, bye bye XD
Ps. ho spaventato un anonimo bestemmiatore da mercato
Ps2. le bimbeminkia italiane sono in grado di discutere su "ki è + fiko" nella Brigata Fantasma..................................io, nel dubbio, voto Kortopi ♥
EDIT: I'm not dead and I didn't blocked anyone but I'm not using MSN in these days ^^'