Evil bunnies

Feb 10, 2010 10:01

In sheer desperation, I took DD to the supermarket after work yesterday. I wasn't meant to work yesterday (grrrr!) but had to as an emergency, so I picked up DD from preschool at 3 pm, went back to work to finish up, then had to do the shopping with a tired preschooler in tow.

There were bloody Easter eggs and bunnies everywhere. It was like an invasion coordinated by the bloody tooth fairy.

By the time we got to the dairy aisle (farthest from the entrance, I should add) DD found the shelves dedicated to even more (recite with me) bloody bunnies. I kept saying "No" on endless loop. And then she saw the small Easter eggs.

"Mummy, look at the eggs that the rabbits laid!"
"Rabbits don't lay eggs, not even the Easter bunny."
"Oh. What are they then?"
"Rabbit poo."
"Euuuwwwww!" Small pause while we walk faster along the aisle. "You sure they aren't actually chocolate?"
"We're not getting them."

Yeah, there were adults all around me giving me looks of horror and/or amusement.

I should probably do a tag along the lines of I'm going to hell for this.

I should add, karma up and bit my butt in the self-torture, I mean, self-serve checkouts and I ended up leaving 2/3 of my basket's contents there without even bothering to scan them. I got the milk and bread etc. and that was it.


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