vaugely connected dreams on a ship

Apr 18, 2014 14:45

I think that the six/Peri dream was brought about by me feeling like crap last night and my usual “Can’t sleep, think of an OTP cuddling” turning into, “Can’t sleep, think of the Sixth Doctor and Peri Brown having a long, tedious argument about their relationship.” The argument went a little like this:

The Doctor is trying to sleep. Peri is lying beside him and generally more interested in kissing than sleeping.
Doctor: You seem to be licking my neck. Should I be awake for this?
Peri: Okay, I get it. You’re not in the mood. Sheesh.
Doctor: But didn’t we just have sex like two days ago?
Peri: If you don’t want to have sex with me, then don’t, but stop acting like it’s weird that I want to have sex with you! I love you, we’re in bed, we’re cuddling, and I thought you liked having your neck kissed. For humans, this is normal!
Doctor: I’m just saying that I would be perfectly happy to make love to you but I would also be just as happy to go to sleep right now.
Peri: Do you even want to have sex?
Doctor: I want to make you stop wondering if I even love you and want you around so you can just go to sleep already, and I would be willing to kill several people to do that but I think having sex would be a lot more effective and enjoyable for everyone involved.
Peri: If you’re going to be like that, maybe I don’t want sex anymore.
Doctor: Then I’ll wait ten minutes.
Peri: Fuck you.
Doctor: I offered, but you said no.
Peri starts crying hysterically
Doctor: Don’t do that. Anything but that. What do you want? We could cuddle. I quite like cuddling. Please. I’ll do anything to make you stop crying. I keep coming back to kissing. That’s what you were doing when this all started. Please, just tell me what you want and I’ll do it for you.
Peri: I want you to love me the same way I love you but you can’t do that.
Doctor: For heaven’s sake! No one loves each other the same way! You could find a mate of your own species and they wouldn’t love you he exact same way you loved them because you’re two different individuals! I am not capable of the exact same emotions you’re feeling and even if I was I probably wouldn’t be feeling them. No, I don’t like sex as much as you do. Yes, I am willing to have sex with you to make you happy. No, that’s not a burden. Yes, I want you to tell me what you want so I can either have sex or go to sleep already, but I’m getting really sick of you waffling it over. Yes, I love you and you love me but that’s never going to mean the exact same thing. Have I missed anything from any of the other eight times we’ve had this argument? Why isn’t it enough that I want you to be happy?
Doctor whimpers
Peri: Fuck you, don’t you start crying. I can only feel sorry for one of us at once.
Doctor: Then either tell me how to make you happy or cuddle me and feel sorry for me. It’s my turn.
The Doctor and Peri cuddle and feel sorry for themselves

Kat: What the hell? I got depressed and imagined my OTP cuddling to cheer myself up and that’s what my brain proved me with?
With that in the background of my head, I fell asleep. I mention this because, chronologically, it happened first. One of the dreams was a continuation of this argument.

In the first dream. I was on a 19th century style boat with my family. I think my brother was reverted back to his twelve year old self because he used to be really into shipwrecks, specifically the Titanic. So he thought it would be really interesting to start talking about how the Titanic went down and everyone died, which is when I decided that it would be really interesting if I went into the cabin and worked out a plan of what to do if the ship went down. Mother noticed it was bothering me and tried to get him to stop, but hey, he’s a little austic. Even in my dreams.
When I went in the cabin, I noticed my favourite doll, my teddy bear, and my mother’s cat sitting near the window, and started working out which one I would save if they ship went down. Naturally, the cat won out and I made my apologies to the inanimate people and started working out what would be the best way to get the at onto a lifeboat. I was weighing emptying out a lidded basket currently full of watercolour supplies against whether or not people would argue about how dare a waifish looking small woman get into a lifeboat clutching a cat to her chest.
Then the weather got choppy and my mother checked to see if I was alright, and tried to reassure me that there were plenty of lifejackets for everyone and just because the weather got a little choppy and I was getting seasick didn’t mean that the ship would go down.

Then a different batch of people on a different (? The dream could have been a portmanteau about a bunch of people getting seasick) 19th century boat decided it would be a fine old idea to get into the full Ten Thousand Leagues style diving outfits and jump into the shark cage. There was a little bit of “oh look, sharks. Cool. That’s what the shark cage is for, how exciting.” and then the sharks started attacking the cage, which was okay, until the cage started collapsing. I also vaguely remember a woman in a huge hat and tight dress who everyone was making fun of because she kept clutching her handkerchief and whimpering. Everyone kept telling her to stop fretting over the men in the diving suits, and that there were women going down with them and it was women like her that made people think that women were weak and stupid and couldn’t do things like dive with sharks, but really she was just really fucking seasick and trying to watch the dive without vomiting on anyone, and I think she was me.

Then I woke up, in my own bed, but there was another bed in my room, which had Raye in it and neither of us looked very well. The addition of another bed did not make my bedroom look any more like a cabin on a 19th century ship, unless it was the infirmary. Also, I was still in a very tight, small cage. In bed. It was sort of soft plastic model, like a sleeping bag made out of that plastic webbing fence stuff. And I was still seasick. My bed appeared to be rocking like a boat and I was afraid to move but I really wanted to get out of it.
Raye had a visitor, who seemed to think groggy seasick just woke up me was hilarious.

Me: There’s a seasick person in my bed. Why is there a shark cage in my bed?
Raye: Oh my god Kat, are you okay?
Visitor: When you say “a seasick person”, do you mean you? We can all see you’re alone.
Raye: Kat, you look terrible. Are you sick?
Kat: What’s going on?
Visitor: We can all see there’s nobody in your bed. You’re not making yourself look any better by lying. You’re probably just hungover or something.
Me: Yes, the seasick person in my bed is me, I just woke up! Why are you here and why are you judging my seven a.m. pronoun use?

Then the Doctor and Peri woke up, still in the same bed, but now that bed was in a cabin on a 19th century ship. Peri wasn’t feeling very well and was extremely reluctant to get our of bed.

Doctor: I‘m sorry about our fight last night.
Peri: Don’t bring it up, we’ll just start all over again.
Doctor: You’re right, we should wait an hour and find something new to fight about.
Peri: Don’t joke like that, I feel sick.
Doctor: No, you don’t look well. You’ll feel better if you get dressed and have breakfast. I’ll get some clothes for you.
Peri: No, don’t do that.
Doctor: No, it’s alright, this is all part of me feeling sorry about the fight we had last night. I’m going to be very nice to you this morning. You wait in the cabin, I’ll ring up for a nice breakfast suitable for an invalid and lay out some clothes for you, suitable to this time period. I know more about 19th century women’s fashion than you anyway.
I‘ll see if I can find an invalid’s chair.
Peri: Doctor, this is not an outfit. This is five blouses, a slip, a swimsuit, and a pair of socks. And none of them match.
Doctor: You wanted me to be a more considerate lover and tend to you needs, does this not qualify?

Then I woke up in real life and was still seasick.


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