Ok, now that the month of April is here, I am feeling the trepedation go away and the excitement mount! I am moving to Maui with Rebecca and Darren in 27 days. I sold me bed and armoire last night...to the gal who is moving into my room! Yes, that means that I don't have to move them. YAY! Now I just need to sell the rest of my book, the book shelves, most of my warm winter clothes, and other misc stuff. My last day of work is April 22. Crazy!
We are having a going away party on Saturday (the 4th). Here's the info:
Kristen (Kitty), Rebecca (Cherry Divine), and Darren are moving to Hawaii! Clara is moving back home to England!
Please join us for a one last Hurrah on Saturday, April 4th at Marcus' Martini Heaven starting at 3:00 pm. At 9:00 pm, we may be moving to an after party at a location TBD.
Please wear your Playa Best; for those of you that don't do that Burning Man thing, this is the night to get creative with your wardrobe... think shiny, fuzzy, poufy, touchy... or just whatever you think will be fun.
Marcus' Martini Heaven
http://www.marcusmartiniheaven.com/88 Yesler Way in Pioneer Square
Marcus' will have a special discounted drink menu and munchies available. There may be DJs too :-)
We can't wait to see you there!
Rebecca, Kristen, Darren, and Clara
Also - April 1st and it's snowing. I love it!!