I am going to make this "other blog" thing work. I don't care if i have to personally approach all of my Kansas friends and tell them to read it because it'll be good, it's going to work. Xanga reminds me way too much of high school, i already have the livejournal angle covered, and Bloggers just seem so mature and lovely that i had to have one. It's Blogger and i'm a blogger and so clearly we are meant to be together.
http://appropriate-appropriation.blogspot.com/ The main reason was i wanted to make a video diary for spring break for no reason, and i wanted it to be public access. But after the video diary's over, or at least the spring break one, i kind of want to continue this one and make it a success. A success on an epic scale? I'd hope so.
How do you network on Blogger anyway?
But yeahhh. Check it out. And as always, i'm not abandoning this one.
P.S. Shannon asked me out via a very awkwardly cute facebook message and i can't stop rereading it because i am such a ditzy girl.