Nov 05, 2003 22:52
During second period today, we were in the career center to go on a journery of self-discovery through the help of this website. We were supposed to read the two scenarios and pick which one we fell under. I only got to the tenth page before I messed up the site (The Internet was SUPER SLOW, and I got bored and clicked around and then couldn't go back to the tenth page). Anyway, Amrit asked me if I got to the page about the project, which is the 11th page, and she said that it reminded her of when we did our project:
Sarah and Jessica were assigned to work together on a science project and to make a presentation to the class. They divided up the presentation and agreed to take turns presenting different parts. But before the presentation even began it was clear how differently Sarah and Jessica approached this task.
Sarah was extremely prepared. She had neatly printed detailed notes on 3 x 5 index cards using two different colors of ink to emphasize key points. She had timed out her parts, knew exactly how long each portion would take, and had practiced in front of her brother a few times. She had prepared some handouts that summarized and described key results. As the period began, she learned that four of the twenty students in class would be about five minutes late. But she wanted to start anyway to make sure she covered all her material and not penalize the majority of students who were there on time. When a student asked a question she told her she'd answer all questions at the end if there was time. Since she and Jessica were alternating, she became very frustrated when Jessica went over her allotted time, forcing Sarah to spontaneously shorten her presentation. And she was upset that Jessica's being unprepared made Sarah appear disorganized.
Jessica took a more casual approach. Since she knew the material, she only wrote an outline of her presentation. She wanted to wait for the four late students, feeling that five minutes here or there was "no big deal". And although she had a general idea of how long her portions would take, she had not bothered to time them out, feeling confident she could "wing it" if she had to. She did prepare a few graphics, but had somehow not gotten around to creating the handouts she had thought about making. She welcomed the chance to answer her classmate's questions and talk spontaneously about the project, although she was aware it was pushing her over her time limit. She reasoned she could always scale back, or go over a little, if she had to. Although friends, she was annoyed that Sarah took the presentation too seriously and seemed rigid and unwilling to go with the flow.
Haha, so I'm not nearly that organized, and Amrit's not that disorganized at all. But I'm still amused. :)