A pinch of this, a dash of that...

Jan 19, 2006 18:29

I've been sick.  With a head cold that has me somewhat loopy, so my sentence structure is off.

Anway, I feel like dolly rambling into the LJ land.  First off, I've fallen for a girl.  Well, a head.   Ciel, who has come out of nowhere and shaken my resolve to, you know, never ever get another girl.    I think she would just be perfectly lovely on Pia's body. Though I am bad at body sharing, I really wouldn't want another big full-time gal and I don't think Pia would mind.  I'm still unsure, but that's easy since she hasn't actually gone on sale yet...

I'm also doing my usual waffling about another boy.  It probably won't happen for a long while.  I'm stuck on R Asiam, though I think I will give Doll in Mind time to resolve their manufacturing issues.  I'm actually not all that daunted by the thought of him being imperfect, but I am lazy about building my boy wardrobe, so it might be best I wait.

As for the dolls that I actually do own, we've gotten a few new wigs and a shoe here and there.  I took a few pictures, with the intent of showing some relative sizes,

(Dig's Paul Frankalicious tank top is courtesy of unraveledgirl, Tallulah's new skirt was made by Mat.)

So ha ha, that's how big the dolls are. 
And now to eat something sweet...

tallulah, dig, mina, bjd, nettle

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