Jan 30, 2007 19:18
So I'm back at work today. I feel a little more put together. A little less stressed and tired. I sat down with my boss today and chatted with her. Did I mention that she rox? I finally got my "career development" feed back. It was exactly what I thought it would be; insanely smart, knows her shit, needs to be more visible on the sort. In other words, go walk around once or twice a night and pet people on the head. :P I didn't expect there to be anything bad. I do my job, and no one can really complain.
Beyond that, my schedule is still a little wonky. I told my boss that I modified the schedule because it affected me too negatively. I was sick and depressed, and just couldn't find the right time to eat. This coming in a little earlier works out best for me. I can keep my sleep schedule and have different types of quality time with the boi, etc.
My boss will be gone to Alanta for two weeks of training. That's good. They should be investing in her, that means sometime after that I will be off as well for a week or two to get extra training. More like brushing up.
I got an offer to go and work in Loisville again. Then again, they really need me up here as the go between and the bug catcher. I have my favorite developers working on some infrastructure stuff that shoul dmake my life here, less of a living hell. I officially got onto their messenger lists. I guess that's a compliment. I'm respected enough that they want to know when I'm into work so they can talk to me directly.
Slinky this morning was all about his mom time. What a cutey. he was putting up such a sulking. He is a very impressive sulker. I got lots of kisses for my efforts. Didn't see hide nor hair of Gizmo or Pixel. Engel was behaving and Otto always loves some mom time. Bozley, was also doing an impressive amount of weazel persuasion.
Boi and I played "So much death" last night. Hehe. It was a nice way to unwind from a screwed up day.