Welcome back to the world of the employed...

Jan 28, 2013 22:21

People keep asking me how work was. I am not sure what to say - it was work? I can fill you all in here on what the job is, I suppose - I am an Enforcement Officer (Litigation) for AlaskaUSA's Special Credits department. I have a desk and a computer and a phone and right now my life consists of computer training, but when I am done with that I get to pull fun paperwork and process legal stuff that helps the credit union get its money back when people suddenly forget to pay their boat loans. Or whatever. XD

To give you an idea of how my day went, I shall herein provide a list of things for which I need to shop, when I have the time:

*lunches and snacks to keep at work
*boots that are good for walking *and* keep my feet warm
*space heater
*tissues for my purse
*brush for my purse
*lots of lotion
*more sweaters
*maybe even a blanket

I also have a long list of crap I need to do but am suddenly realizing that I have no time to do it. XD Shoes that might need to be exchanged for better sizes, which might need to be done at the Northern Lights store? Somehow have to figure out how to get my paycheck when it does come - they won't direct deposit to non-AlaskaUSA accounts, but I don't want a third bank, so I will be getting my paycheck via interoffice mail or picking it up or something, then I gotta get it to the bank. I need to get downtown and get a bus pass, too. Just... logistics. Hoo boy. Really need to get on this driving stuff. :<

Really want to get my first paycheck so I can budget. >.>

Welp. I should probably get on to bed. XD Working is tiring! Not my job, though, but my arms are still sore from shopping/carrying things on sunday, and the bottoms of my feet are kinda raw from all the walking. Good to feel tired this way, though. It's nice. :)

work, life

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