Feb 17, 2004 14:01
I think I'm coming down with something. :( It makes sense 'cuz Bill was starting to feel crappy on our way home Sunday. He says now he thinks he has bronchitis....which, *eesh*. I've never had it, and would like to keep it that way, but who knows. This may just be a regular cold. The RD is just starting too.....so I should be a regular ball of sunshine by tomorrow! Someone dig me a hole and throw me in? Please? *whimper*
Anyway, health matters aside....Bill mentioned to me on Friday and again last night that he wants to go to Brussels. When he started spouting prices I was like 'hey, he looked this up.' He says if I don't go with him he is taking Jennifer Aniston, LOL. I guess I'd better get my passport together! :p I pulled up a European map this afternoon and took a look. I only had a vauge sense of where it was, but now I know better. Great location! We could go to London *and* Paris fairly easily from there. *Begins plotting European vacation*
Kirsten is off to the Doctors office, Kat is home on 3 different medications, and my throat feels funny. Damn sickness.
Suppose it could be worse. I read in the NYT this morning that in 21.5 billion years scientists think the universe will go all kablooey into something called 'The Big Tear'. Basically all the planets will explode. Glad I won't be around to experience that, lol. Of course they're also saying that 5 billion years from now the sun will swallow the Earth, so the Big Tear won't matter much I guess. 5 billion years is a looooong time. That's how old they say the planet is to begin with. I doubt humans will make it much longer, really. Especially since we keep killing ourselves. It's kinda sad. We've done so much in the very short span of time we've been here on this planet. Who knows? Maybe I don't give mankind enough credit. Maybe we'll leave Earth and settle somewhere else.