Feb 12, 2004 09:36
I had been a little worried, not knowing where he was, etc...but he called and it's all okay. :) Kirsten came over last night but she wasn't feeling good so she pretty much gave me my prezzies and left. But, prezzies! Thank you again to Kat for my Hello Kitty blankie. Tis adorable. And big wet smoochies to Kirsten for my Hello Kitty sleep set. :D I am so taking that on the trip to MA, lol. Bill will be expecting sexy lingerie and instead he gets Hello Kitty sweatpants. Hee hee. Now I have all this stuff to do..Bill was like 'Are you packed?' and I said 'Um, no...' and he said 'You do know this trip is the day after tomorrow, right?' Smartass. :p
I stole a tiny padded envelope from the mail room this morning. Is that wrong? I needed one to put Vickie's prezzies in for V-day. And there were dozens of envelopes. I'm sure Steve won't miss one teeny envelope. If I got one from the Post Office they would have charged me for it. The bastards! It'll prolly still cost my left kidney to ship this little packet overseas.
Well, tomorrow is the day...I hope. The day to get my test results. I wonder if I'll be able to call the Drs office or if I'll chicken out. I'm already scared about it. I really don't know how I'll react if it's bad news. *sigh* It's a lot to process....and not all I'm thinking about. 'Cuz I also have a lot of stuff to do for the trip tomorrow morning. *feels pressured* I'm also starting to feel crappy 'cuz the RD slowly encroaches...*digs self a hole and jumps in*
I want to get a McDs breakfast tomorrow, since I'll be off and doing errands in the morning. But I recently read an article about this guy who ate nothing but McDs food for a month straight and he gained 25 lbs. Worse, he has all kinds of health problems now...it's kinda scary. To think that food has that many derogatory effects on the body. Makes the prospect of breakfast from them a lot less appealing. Now, do I still want the breakfast? Yes. LOL. I think they put some kind of drug in there to addict you to the food. Nefarious peeps.
Happy Valentine's Day everybody! *sends out candy hearts* I will update monday to let you know if I know anything.