The backstory!
Once again, I'm mostly laid up and looking for distraction. I've been trying to write myself and it's not working. But ever since writing that
tall tale about Roy LeRoy earlier, I've been itching to write more Roy LeRoy tall tales! I'd been thinking of Paul Bunyan while writing Roy LeRoy and tonight while nosing around the web for more ideas/exposure to Tall Tale voices, I found a site which has an adorable write your own tall tale form (obviously for kids). I giggled over it with Foxy and then we decided we must hold a challenge!
The challenge!
Take the form below (from the previous tall tales site) and use it to write your VERY OWN tall tale. But go wild with it and give it a sexy twist - from suggestive and funny to total outrageous smut!
If you can keep as much of the form as possible, but if you have to lose a tiny thing here or there, or bend or alter the phrasing in the name of your story voice, go with it!
Keep in mind that a tall tale should have: a larger than life main character with a specific job, a problem that's solved in a funny way, exaggeration (LOTS of it - from the events to the hero to the problem), and casual (everyday) language (although if you're pretending your tall tale is from a different time or area than you it's cool to use that dialect)
The site, , has some tall tales as well as great definitions, if you want references ^_____^
____________________________________ was the ___________________________________
(Name of tall tale hero) (superlative, like "toughest, best")
man/woman in ______________________ . Everyone for
(place name)
miles around knew ______________________ and loved to tell and
(hero's name)
retell of his/her amazing feats. Now one day _____________________
(hero's name)
went to visit _______________________ . __________________________ had been
(2nd character's name) (2nd character's name)
having big problems with __________________________________
_______________________________________________________ .
__________________ explained his/her problem. That was all it took.
(2nd character's name)
Right away, ______________________________________________
(how the hero solved the problem)
___________________ problem was solved, and the folks in
(2nd character's name)
________________ now had a new tale to tell about ______________ .
(place name) (hero's name)
When you're done, post a link here! I will do little thank you doodles once Yaoi-Con is over for everyone who writes a tall tale (one per author)!
bonus round
Bonus points if you:
1) Cameo another tall tale hero
2) Feature a known tall tale hero
3) Manage to figure out how to put two tall tale heroes together ;)