*date jigged up 27/03/06*
Time to make a new up to date public entry just for any poor benighted bugger who might actually want to read this drivel :P as my original post re my LJ now being friends only is several months old and I chose to close it to comments at the time and poor El had to comment on an even ancienter post to get me to add her :P
Soooo ok here goes again. My LJ is friends only, this is to prevent anyone I don't know or like giving me shit as has happened in the past. If for some strange reason you do want to be added, please comment below, telling me who you are and how you know me, ie through UKP, UO etc.
Be warned, I am not a friends list whore and do not add people automatically because they add me to their friends list or just because they happen to post on an internet forum I also post on. As in real life I prefer to have a small amount of real friends rather than a vast circle of acquaintances. I am here to write in my journal not win a popularity contest :P
My daily food blog is here
http://www.livejournal.com/users/ladycatcrimson/ and is public.