Happy New Year <3

Jan 17, 2006 14:23

I havent updated in agesss. But whats the point if your not inspired to lol. Anyway, the lj bug is back and this is my first post for 2006! Its been hectic since I last updated, but the final exams are finally over, I think I did reaaally well, and I cant wait for my results, grr especially art history!

Yesterday I got back from a 5 day holiday in Wellington, we went down for the scattering of my Aunties ashes at the beach where she grew up. We stayed with my grandparents, and its always the best to see everyone. Did some shopping, but I wasnt supposed to >.>;; my grandparents house is within walking distance of Dressmart, so what was I to do? Lol I bought heaps of bangles, and some new jeans, alough I honestly didnt need any jeans, but I have a weakness for them.

My grandma has a horse and I rid him on the second day, and fell off! Head first into the edge of the arena which is a huge railway sleeper. I got a huge scrape down my arm, but nothing major, luckily I was wearing a helmut.

After the holidays end I'll be starting at Natcoll to learn Web Developement. I'm nervous, but I also cant wait to go and learn everything and meet some new people ;3
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