
Feb 15, 2004 23:13

Any of our friends who knows a bit about computers, etc could you track this IP? This is an IP for onknees4dubya . Apparently it's from an Optus server in chatswood but we'd really appreciate if u have ip logging 2 check some of your latest comments and see if the number matches anyone u know. We'd like to see who they really are because most sane people, if they hate someone as much as we are obviously hated aren't afraid to say who they are.We are being harrassed, insulted and written about. Since she/he is banned from our community beefriends and from our ljs they have resorted to anoymous replies and posting entries such as this extract from one about us: I am currently masturbating over pictures of kittypixx and starwhore. Oh how I love starwhores receeding hairline. They don't like me and they wont let me post in their journals and the pain that I feel as the desire to inpregnate them with my babies is growing stronger everyday. But I have my pool. My nice watery, relaxing pool that they can't have.
I'm sick of this one handed typing shit so I'm going to stop jerking it now.
Oops... There go my speedos. I'm nekkid

Help guys? ♥
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