
Feb 10, 2011 01:49

7 Deadly Sins Meme

Day 4|Sloth: 7ThingsYouNeglectToDo
  • Keeping my room clean. I haaate seeing my room in disarray. I’ll make excuses that my room is “shabby chic” but really it’s a total pit and I wish I were better at keeping my room clean. What’s sad is that it doesn’t take much for it to turn into a mess. All I have to do is look for a thing or two and next thing you know  most my room is back to being a mess.
  • Laundry.Yep. Enough said.
  • Complete projects/papers/tasks that span for more than a couple days. I like to do things all in one go otherwise I end up putting off things for lengthy periods of time. *cough* Like this Meme *cough cough*
  • Texting back/calling back in a timely manner.
  • Unpacking Suitcases after a trip. Packing one up? No problem! Unpacking? Ehhh…I’m super lazy about it. I will seriously leave my fully packed suitcase in a corner of my room for a week easily. In fact, I wouldn’t put it past me to leave it packed for a little longer than a week and even when I do get around to unpacking, my empty suitcase will remain in my room for a lengthy period of time because my lazy ass can’t be bothered to store it away in the basement.
  • Getting up in the morning. I purposely set the alarm on my phone at least 20 minutes before the time I actually need to be up because I know I’ll want to hit that snooze button as many times as I can before I absolutely HAVE to be up. I like sleep XD
  • Get enough sleep. I know this contradicts previous one but, I stay up waaay too late most nights doing nothing important when I could be sleeping. I like sleep but I still stay up late? Yeah, it makes no sense to me either.

Day 5|Greed: 7WorldlyMaterialDesires

Day 6|Gluttony: 7GuiltyPleasures

Day 7|Lust: 7LoveSecrets

7 deadly sins, meme

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