I had to restrain the OCD part inside me to not fix the lack of spaces in the Meme.

Feb 05, 2011 02:25

I find the 7 deadly sins facinating so it makes sense that I would do this meme XD

Day 1|Pride: 7GreatThingsAboutYourself
  • Enjoy Life.I don't take life too seriously. I know how to live it up, enjoy and not take for granted the little things in life.
  • I'm simply awesome.I'm never boring to be around. I'm pretty goofy, fun and comical. I dare you to not crack, at least, a smile around me.
  • Kick-ass work ethic. I do what needs to be done and go beyond the call of duty at places of employment.
  • Quick learner. I can pick up pretty much any hobby and with a little time and effort, be pretty good at it.
  • My ability to understand. To understand a person’s feelings. To understand two sides of a conflict. To understand why they do the things they do. I also understand my own limits in understanding other people. I may not know their lives, therefore what right do I have to judge or make any conclusions? But all of this makes it so much easier to cooperate with and to forgive others.
  • Easygoing.I'm easy to please and excite over the smallest and simplest things.
  • Decent singer. I don't think I'm "American Idol" good, but I love to sing and I'm glad I have the ability to carry a tune pretty well.
(Yeah..not going to lie, this one took me a while)

Day 2|Envy: 7ThingsYouLack&Covet
Day 3|Wrath: 7ThingsThatPissYouOff
Day 4|Sloth: 7ThingsYouNeglectToDo
Day 5|Greed: 7WorldlyMaterialDesires
Day 6|Gluttony: 7GuiltyPleasures
Day 7|Lust: 7LoveSecrets

Meme b'yoinked from Terra, Ju & A.J. XP

all about linda, 7 deadly sins, meme

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