Sep 14, 2009 22:27
I'm beginning to see why we get two years to build up to NEWT level instead of one; the stuff we have to know is immense.
Eugh, I'll get back to finishing my homework later, my brain is about to explode. If anyone wants me I'll be in the music classroom.
I need to stock up on stronger medicine. This is getting steadily worse.
[Center Filter: Viewable to Meroko and Izumi]
I'm sorry, I...I don't think I can keep being objective with Mitsuki as an assignment, something...came to light.
And what are we going to do about what happened? Something tells me the superiors are going to have something to say about this. And I will too if I ever see the guy.
[Filtered to Mitsuki: Unhackable] you...wanna talk?
[OOC: Some may notice he's looking a bit pale and taking more medicine than usual, but he'll be evasive. Of course he'll have to own up eventually when he can't hide it, which I'll discuss with people nearer the time.]
how long i have left to live,
the center,
need my medicine,
can has a sister,
not feeling so good,
tumour - sarcoma,