May 22, 2005 01:48
And that's not so much a good thing kiddos. Went to a campfire el otra noche. And a large gooey glob of picth dripped right into my hair. And then preceeded to solidify. Seen Jurassic Park? Know that yellow rock the misquitos are in with the dino DNA? Yeah, that's in my hair.
Aside from the pine sented cement on my scalp, not much is rocking my world. Went to the No Dice show tonight in Nashua. I hate Nashua. I hate all big towns/cities. Boston, manchester, Nashua. They all suck. SUCK
I'm in a really good mood right now and it's sweet. Cuz it's rare. I guess it's just becuase Jake is so wonderful, and I love him so much. And he feels the same way. People spend so much time and energy looking for what he and I have and I just feel really lucky. To love someone this much and have them feel the same way... it just doesn't happen everyday.