Season 3!

Oct 12, 2012 21:30

various feels...

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Some things have been confirmed, other rumors:

1. 13 episodes
2. Discord returns (or at least John DeLancie)
3. Nightmare Moon returns
4. Rainbow Dash has a boyfriend
5. Scootaloo flies (Lauren Faust said she never wanted Scootaloo to fly as a message that it was OK to be different.)
6. Spike flies
7. A new Element of Harmony is revealed (possible Cadance + Shining Armor with the element of Love)
8. The Great and Powerful Trixie returns
9. Derpy gets her own episode (not bloody likely but would like to be surprised)
10. Fluttershy dies (not rly)

I expect if the series is about to end, the CMC will all get their cutie marks and some of the ponies, likely Twilight, will leave Ponyville. I hope the rumor of a DVD movie is true though there the Crystal Ponies episodes are supposed to go on a DVD shortly after they air?


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