Aug 22, 2010 22:15
I am a firm believer in Murphy's Law.
Because this weekend was a firm confirmation of it.
In short, I got flack for my eyebrow piercing while others can and still wear their "other" visible face piercings, got picked on by the idiot manager who basically bitched me out about it in the first place when I decided to cover it with a band-aid, and I lost my phone (had it stolen) and everything that was on there. Contacts, works of art, messages I can't replace, and my vacation photos...and vids of my nephew...and pics of him from when he was first born.
All in ONE day. (yesterday!)
Will never tempt the fates willingly again.
Thank the heavens that today was relatively quiet. ^-^;; although....I did cry some at the end of the Frog Princess. I can't help it! Love is so beautiful when depicted in such a manner!