May 13, 2005 15:16
Those of you who read LJ faithfully know that I am no geyser in Yellowstone. I'm sporadic at best and nearly non-existent to be more to the point. But every now and then I read something so damn funny that I recall the other reason I have this journal (you've prolly figured out the first by now).
So here it is. Surprise MySpace comment parties. Are you thinking that I left out words? That used in that combination, I couldn't be speaking English? Well I didn't and I am. Yes folks! You too can throw a surprise party for your far away i-net pals. Only there's no drinking, no one's stoned X'ing in the corner, no playing quarters with Jim Beam, no nudity in the hot tub, no sexy friend-of-a-friend hot one-nighters...then again....there's no puking in your toilet, no cleaning up the next day, no beer bottles in the plants....hmmm they may be on to something.
Well in case you want to do something similar, apparently what you do is secretly tell a slew of people (known and/or unknown to your pal) to show up on your pal's myspace comment list or in their blog, wherever that may be, and just fire away Not sure what those are yet. But necessity is the mother of invention.
Try it on my blog! That's be so...ummmmm...cute?